Key Speakers

Mr. Sudarshan Kumar Saini

Chief - Commercial and SIG

Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited

A Management Professional and a Chartered Accountant, Mr. S. K. Saini joined Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited (Tata Power-DDL) in mid-2004. Besides present responsibilities of heading Commercial Functions, Customer Services, Corporate Social Innovation and Administration, he has also handled Business Process Re-engineering (including full-fledged roll-out of SAP-ISU), Revenue Management & Assurance, Treasury Operations and Business Development including R-APDRP, Corporate Commercial and Regulatory Affairs. Additionally, he has also lead a cross functional team for further reduction of AT&C losses through innovation & technological intervention and enhanced relationship with stakeholders. Under his mentorship, Team Tata Power-DDL developed and implemented a unique business model for bringing the unmetered consumers, from the lowest strata of the society, into the billing net, and the business model fetched the most promising Innovation award under TATA group of companies.

Prior to joining Tata Power-DDL, he has worked for around 22 Years with TATA STEEL handling various Projects, Marketing, Finance, Credit Control and Treasury & Profit Centers.

His reasons for entering the Energy & Power Sector was not a planned one but when the opportunity came, experience of handling Revenue Management and focus on Customer Centricity was identified as his core competence for an utility which was ailing and had revenue leakage of around 53%. After entering in Power Distribution, he feels immensely satisfied to be part of Tata Power-DDL which has sensitized Power Distribution Sector within India and other developing countries on various aspects i.e. Consumers Delight; Loss Reduction; adoption of latest technologies for providing reliable & quality Power Supply, state of art Billing & CRM system, Revenue Enhancement, Corporate Social Innovation for sustainability & improving Customer Relations, Brand Image etc.

Mr. Saini is very passionate about upliftment of neglected / low strata of society. He wishes to devote his time and effort in areas which not only meet organizational objectives but also helps the Nation, e.g., sensitizing State run Power Distribution Utilities towards AT&C Loss reduction, adoption of best in class technologies, Energy Conservation for reducing impact of global warming, contribution and enhancing Consumer Centricity so that reforms under Power Sector can happen in true spirit of letters and words.

He is extremely passionate towards TATA Group's Commitment to Combating Climate Change and is working towards demonstrating the viable Renewable Generation Business Model and DSM portfolio of newly created Business Services Group of Tata Power-DDL which includes Roof top Solar, ESCO, Energy Efficiency Implementation Projects etc.

CII Industrial Innovation Awards 2017 : Awardees
Event Outcomes

Brand India Inc’s superiority in technology and innovation across the globe.

Attract more FDI as mandated by “Make in India” within promising sectors of the economy.

Create a platform for Indian industry to celebrate its innovation and technology Prowess.

Create a mechanism for Government to interact with and address issues of innovative organizations.

Create a channel for foreign trade bodies to tap into Indian innovation ecosystem.

Create a national and global market for Indian industry.